Season 01
It’s a good time for sharing!
A good time for listening!
A good time for helping!
And a good time for changing!
I hope we can learn from each other and build a better tomorrow.
Welcome to the podcast show/channel of Richard Gayle, AKA Ricardo. Our experiences are the major engines that inspire our trajectory. When I was thinking about my bio, I thought it would be a short one, but it turned out to be a three-hour production; therefore, I divided it into three episodes. The first three episodes are a must to listen because the presenter, Richard Gayle, AKA Ricardo, introduces himself by sharing his stories, from his viewpoint.
Before I dive into podcasting, I wanted to introduce myself to my new audience. I wanted my new community to understand who I am and why I was motivated to travel down the podcasting path. We are a product of our experiences. Because of my work experience, for example, I crafted a topic worthy of a PhD discussion, which I was struggling to compose. When I was thinking about my bio, I thought it would be a short one, but it turned out to be a three-hour production; therefore, I divided it into three episodes. The first three episodes are a must to listen because the presenter, Richard Gayle, AKA Ricardo, introduces himself by sharing his stories, from his viewpoint.
The three introductory episodes name the show’s sponsor, RAG Point Community, LLC, (https://www.ragpoint.com) and the charity this company supports, which is METAvivor (https://www.metavivor.org).
RAG Point Community, LLC (www.ragpoint.com) is a proud sponsor of The 2nd Annual Jennifer Hendryx’s Memorial and Rico’s 7th Annual Golf Outing 2019 (Registration: https://ragpoint.com/golfer-registration/). The 2nd Annual Jennifer Hendryx’s Memorial and Rico’s 7th Annual Golf Outing 2019 invite you to a day of golfing (Saturday, July 13, 2019) supporting metastatic (stage IV) breast cancer research. Breakfast and registration start at 6:30 am – 7:20 am. We will donate 100% of net proceeds to METAvivor Research & Support, Inc., an organization that uses 100% of donations for metastatic breast cancer (MBC) research.
A woman sacrifices a lot to bring a child into this world, from conception to delivery!
Men, what have we sacrificed to bring a child into this world?
How do we say, “Thank You?”
Don’t forget to subscribe to the show! Title “They Said What!”