About METAvivor

Sea to Sea for Advocacy

METAvivor has funded 33 grants totaling $2.4 million. We offer research grants annually for metastatic breast cancer research to career metastasis researchers, and Young Investigator Awards for newer researchers in the field.
The Hendryx's Family Story
The incidence of metastatic (stage 4) breast cancer in women ages 25 to 39 has doubled in recent decades. The diagnosis often happens during or after a pregnancy, leaving thwaw young mothers with a terminal illness and life expectancy of only 2-3 years.
Jennifer Hendryx of Westlake, OH was one of those young mothers. The only hope for women like Jennifer is research – specifically research with the goal to extend lives of those already living the the disease. Unfortunately, less than 5% of research funding in the United States goes towards this type of research.

Please, read about some of these AMAZING WOMEN’S STORIES.