- Pick one of the holes starting from 2nd to 17th to advertise your business

Double Bogey: $150
- Pick one of the holes starting from 2nd to 17th to advertise your business
Bogey: $300
- Advertise your business on the 1st or 18th hole
Birdie: $450
- Your company’s name and contact information listed on:
- The golf outing webpage
- The golf outing Facebook page
Eagle: $600
- Includes the Birdie package
The company’s logo added to all golf outing webpages
Hole in One: $900
- Includes the Eagle package
- A link to your company’s webpage
- Six months FREE advertisement on RAG Point Community LLC Podcast
- The First 9 are guaranteed one group of 4 FREE
Par: Special category, which consist of:
- Gift Cards/Certificates (how many X value)
_____ X _____ = ______
- Free one-night hotel room stay for out of town golfers (how many X value)
_____ X _____ = ______
- Prizes _______________________________